Estabilished in 2000, L.G.F. is a dynamic and growing Company operating throughout both Italian and the International market. Since the beginning the company has been paying particular attention at the increasing of its know-how, considering it a basic component for both the survival and the growth in a context of high technological content. In fact, substantial resources have been dedicated to research and development areas, aimed to achieve more knowledges for creating new and specific projects as well as for improving the different phases of the production.
Thanks to a farsighted policy, the Company has been able to specialize year by year its production in the fields of accessories for leather goods, footwear and high fashion clothing, constantly expanding its range of electrolytic deposits (as base layers and as deposit finishing) with a static procedure (wire and/or frame) and rotogalvano that is possible on the most frequently used materials such as iron, brass, zinc alloy (zama), stainless steel.
The company is today specialized in small particular accessories made by rotogalvano processing (eyelets, rivets, buttons, etc..) able to re-produce all the electroplating processes with the above described characteristics.
In order to meet both the needs and problems of the growing high fashion world, the company invested on the realization of galvanizing processes aimed to prevent (by using the “nickel phosphor”) the oxidation of accessories. Exported through all the continents, these accessories (especially in leather goods and footwear fields) are subject to environmental changes once assembled. Particular attention has been placed also in the accessories which have to be free of nickel and lead. It was in fact installed an anallergic production line specific for the high fashion sector and more generally for all the accessories being in direct contact with skin.